Simple Summer Cleaning Checklist

Looking for an easier way to keep your house clean this summer? Try this simple summer cleaning checklist to help you focus on the most important cleaning tasks so you can spend more time relaxing this summer.

summer cleaning checklist with a bottle of cleaner

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Love free printables? You can sign up for my Free Resource Library. It has free planner printables and I’ve recently added new cleaning checklists for the morning, nightly, weekly, and monthly cleaning routines.

When it comes to summer, there are two types of people. The ones that can’t wait for it to be over, and would rather spend their days inside enjoying the air conditioner. or the ones that count down the hours until they can relax by the pool, take long hikes, go camping, eat ooey gooey s’mores, and enjoy delicious BBQ.

I am definitely the latter. Summer is my favorite season and I’m so happy it’s finally here. It feels like we’ve waited forever for it to arrive, which is why I try to make every second count, whether I’m gardening, sitting on the deck with a good book, or taking our dog, Stitch for a walk.

Related: 13 Ways to Keep Your Home Clean With Pets

The last thing I want to do is spend my entire day cleaning the house. I want to be outside enjoying the beautiful weather. Which is why I give myself permission to do the bare necessities in the summer. I will only focus on areas of my home that need the most attention.

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I do this because I know that once fall is here, I will start those cleaning habits and hacks again to keep my home consistently clean. However, I do realize that to fully enjoy the summer season there are a few things I need to do to get ready for it, such as preparing the patio or deck and cleaning the grill to get ready for all the tasty BBQ.

Not to mention, some areas that should be focused on during the summer months when it’s hot and sticky outside which can create odors and extra messes on the inside (such as extra laundry).

Because of this, I decided to create a simple summer cleaning checklist to help me prepare and stay on task this summer. Hopefully, it will be helpful to you as well as you get ready for the season.

Summer cleaning supplies in cleaning caddy with microfiber cloths

Simple Summer Cleaning Checklist

These are the simple summer cleaning tasks that I like to do before and during the summer season to keep my home clean so I’m spending less time cleaning and more time relaxing.

Early Summer 

(here are the things that you should concentrate on at the beginning of the season to get ready for summer)

Patio or Deck

If you are like me, then your outside space is where you will be spending most of your time during the summer months. You want it to be a place that is relaxing and feels inviting. So, take a few minutes before summer officially begins to spruce it up. 

  • Wipe down patio furniture to remove any dirt and dust that has accumulated through the winter months.
  • Clean patio cushions and pillows.
  • Sweep the patio or deck. (It may be helpful to keep an inexpensive broom in the area during the summer to not only keep the area swept but to remove any cobwebs that form.)

grill and grill brush


Before the grilling season officially gets underway, it may be a good idea to clean your grill so you are ready to enjoy all the delicious grilling recipes.

  • Wipe the outside of the grill.
  • Clean the inside of the grill and grates with a grill brush.


While the weather is warm, it’s the perfect time to clean your windows inside and out. Even though I like to do this in my spring and fall deep cleaning. You will find that now that curtains and windows are being opened to let in the summer breeze there will likely be more fingerprints and dirt to clean. 

  • Clean your windows on the outside with a squeegee.
  • Wipe down your inside windows with a mixture of vinegar and water.

Fans/Air Conditioners

At the start of the season, it’s important to take a minute to inspect your air conditioner and fans to make sure they are in working order. Also, make sure to:

  • Clean portable fans, be sure to take them apart to dust the fan blades.
  • Change or clean the air conditioner filter with a damp microfiber cloth.

You may have done this in your seasonal or monthly cleaning but if not, make sure to also dust any ceiling fans. 

During Summer

(these are the things you should maintain during the summer season)

woman cleaning fridge


Since summer is all about the food, with tasty bbq, summer salads, fresh veggies, fruit, and, sides your refrigerator is bound to be filled with leftovers and summer dishes waiting to be taken to your next picnic or potluck. So, take a few minutes every week to clean your fridge and freezer.

  • Take out any expired food and empty containers or jars.
  • Wipe out refrigerator shelves and drawers with a damp cloth.
  • Clean out the freezer and wipe it down.
Looking for quick meal ideas to make this summer?


There is no doubt about it, Summer can be hot and humid and because of this, it can also cause odors. So, to eliminate any lingering odors:

  • Take out the garbage frequently.
  • Wipe down the outside of the garbage can
  • Clean the inside if there are any spills or messes.

washing a white cup in the sink with plant in the background


Just like garbage, the heat can cause food to spoil much faster and cause unwanted smells. Keeping up with dishes can help keep odors at bay. Make sure to:

  • Wash or load the dishwasher at least once a day. 
  • Wipe out the sink daily.
  • Clean the drain with vinegar and baking soda frequently to help eliminate odors.


Although I love summer, I will admit, it’s not so kind to our floors. Whether it’s the spilled lemonade, drippy popsicles, or the wet footprints from the pool, the floor can take a beating during the summer. Not to mention the crumbs everywhere since the kids are home a lot more, inviting pests (like ants and other insects) to come for a visit. So, be sure to:

  • Sweep the floor at least once a day.
  • Mop your floors a couple of times a week.


Between swimsuits and extra towels from the pool or beach, you may find that there is always a pile of laundry waiting to be done. When my boys were younger, I picked a laundry day and I washed everyone’s clothes on that day every week. But, now that they are older and can do their own, everyone has a designated day to do their laundry. 

To help stay on top of the laundry:

  • Pick a laundry routine that works the best for you, whether it’s doing one load a day, separating the days by a family member (which is what we do), or once a week to get it all done at once. And then just keep up with it to avoid any musty-smelling clothes that can happen during the summer.

woman holding cleaning supplies

Daily Clean

While, I love my morning, nightly, and weekly cleaning routines, and still do them most days. I tend to be more relaxed with my cleaning in the summer and only focus on the essential daily cleaning tasks. Those cleaning tasks include:

  • Cleaning the kitchen counters, table, and stovetop.
  • Wiping the bathroom counters.
  • Cleaning the toilet.
  • Switching out the bathroom hand towels.
  • Emptying the garbage.
  • Washing the dishes.
  • Sweeping or vacuuming the floors.

Free Cleaning Checklists

If you are feeling overwhelmed at the thought of cleaning your home try my Free Cleaning Checklists: Daily, Weekly, and Monthly (shown above) for a simple and effective way to keep your home clean every day.


It’s inevitable that there is going to be more clutter in the summer. The kids are home and they are going to be grabbing snacks, and toys so there will be more opportunities for clutter to accumulate. The best thing to do is to set your expectations before summer begins so clutter doesn’t get out of hand. Here are a few decluttering tips that can help keep clutter under control this summer.

  • Keep a bin in the living room/family room for toys that have made their way into these spaces. A few times a week, you can have them empty the bin and put the toys back where they belong.
  • Place a storage bin outdoors for outside toys, and make sure they are put back at the end of the day instead of leaving them all over the lawn.
  • Make snack bins so that snacks are easy to grab so there is less of a chance for cabinets to get cluttered and messy.
  • Assign chores to each child so they know what is expected of them. You can make a chore chart to encourage younger kids. If you need to encourage your teen to keep their room picked up during the summer, here are 7 Ways to Get a Teen to Clean Their Room.

Print your Free Summer Cleaning Checklist

To make your summer cleaning even easier, I have created a summer cleaning checklist that you can print out and hang on your fridge for some cleaning motivation.

Cleaning checklist printable on wood background with plant

Summer Cleaning Checklist Printable

Ultimately, summer should be a time of relaxation and spending quality time with family. Trust me, the cleaning will be waiting for you when summer is over. As the days get cooler, and you start spending more time indoors there will be plenty of time to start those deep cleaning and decluttering projects.

In the meantime, get outside and enjoy the weather. Make a list of summer activities to do with your kids, and clean when you can. You can always do a speed cleaning or a power hour cleaning if you have to on those rainy summer days to catch up. 

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I hope these cleaning tips have helped you, make sure to print my summer cleaning checklist before you go. Happy summer!

Don’t forget to sign up for my Free Resource Library. You will find planners, cleaning schedules, wall quote printables, and more. All are free to print out and enjoy.

Follow my Pinterest boards for more cleaning motivation.