As a mom, the list of things we need to do every day is neverending. Use these 30 Time-Saving Hacks for Busy Moms to make the most of your day so you can get more done.
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Life is crazy busy. As a mom, you probably feel like you are being pulled in a hundred different directions every day.
I can’t count the number of days that I just wished for a few more hours so I could get everything done. But, we can’t wish for the impossible, so instead, we need to learn to work smarter and not harder (which I’ve decided is my new mantra this year.)
Because let’s face it, trying to find a balance to make our home run smoother and our life easier is something that we all seem to strive for. We want to get things done more efficiently so we have more time for the people and things that we love. Here are some time-saving strategies that will help you achieve that.
30 Time-Saving Hacks for Busy Moms
These 30 time-saving hacks are things that I do on a daily and weekly basis that help me save time allowing me to be more productive and focus my energy on the things that matter most.
Have Routines
1. Use a morning routine
Think of a morning routine as your jumpstart for the day. During my morning routine:
- I decide what I am having for dinner ( having a meal plan makes this so easy!)
- Then I will write down what I want to accomplish and schedule my day using time blocking. (This is where I focus on my daily 5, which are my five priorities for the day- family time, work, household chores, fitness, and self-care.)
You can learn more about this planning system here→ How to use Time Block Scheduling to be More Productive
- Then, I have breakfast, make my bed, and begin my morning cleaning routine.
Keeping a routine helps me stay on task and I’ve done it for so long that it’s become a habit. I don’t have to think about it, I just do it.
2. Try a night routine
I’ve always felt that a morning routine and a night routine go hand in hand. A morning routine is much more effective if you also have a good night routine.
Here are a few things that you can do in your night routine to make your morning run smoother:
- Prepare for the next day by making sure any school papers are signed and backpacks are by the door and ready to go.
- Check your calendar for any appointments or activities the next day.
- Start a nightly cleaning routine to make the morning even easier.
- Establish a bedtime routine for your kids and yourself.
Sleep is important. Try to resist staying up late and finishing tasks. You are just going to end up paying for it the next day.
I was always a night owl, staying up really late trying to get ahead. But, the next day, I wouldn’t have any energy to get anything done and it became a vicious cycle.
So, now I get up early to get a jumpstart on my day and that extra hour in the morning has made a huge difference.
3. Make a routine chart for your kids
Use a routine/responsibility chart to teach your child the importance of setting goals and following through with them. Plus, it prevents you from reminding them to get those jobs done, saving you time to focus on your tasks.
This responsibility chart would be perfect for this or you can always check Etsy or Pinterest for charts to print as well.
4. Simplify your laundry routine
Laundry is one of those chores that can get out of control very quickly if you let it. Save some time and simplify your laundry routine.
Decide what will work best for you and your family. Whether you would rather get it all done in one day so you don’t have to deal with it for the rest of the week (me!) or you would prefer to throw a load in every morning.
If you have a large family then one load a day or every other day may be more manageable for you. Find what works for you.
5. Use cleaning routines
One of the best time-saving hacks for busy moms is to stay on top of cleaning and you can do this by using cleaning routines.
I know that it can sometimes feel impossible to juggle your household chores with kids at home. After all, there is nothing more relatable than Erma Bombeck’s quote, “Cleaning the house while children are home is like shoveling when it’s snowing.”
However, establishing routines can really help you take back control of your home. Keep toy bins by the door in all your rooms to help control toy clutter and use my quick and easy weekly cleaning routine that takes less than 20-30 minutes depending on how big your home is.
And don’t forget to get your kids involved. Chore charts are a great way to get kids to help around the house.
Learn to keep your home constantly clean with these cleaning tips:
- 90 Places People Forget to Clean in Their Homes
- 14 Daily Habits to Keep Your House Clean
- How to Clean a Messy Home When You’re Overwhelmed
Print out my Free Daily, Weekly, and Monthly Cleaning Checklists below⇓
Plan ahead
6. Declutter
Nothing saves you time more than knowing where things are in your home. No one wants to spend all day looking for items that have been misplaced. Spend a few minutes a week decluttering your home.
If you are struggling because you are overwhelmed and don’t know where to start. Here are a few tips that will help you succeed:
- While putting away your groceries, pull out anything that has gone bad or expired.
- When you are taking care of your dishes, look in your cabinets and pull out anything you haven’t used in the last six months or so.
- Go through your utensil drawer or pantry while you are cooking dinner.
- As you are putting away laundry, go through a dresser drawer.
Find opportunities throughout your day to fit in small decluttering tasks to save time. Not only will it save you time in the long run but it will provide you with a cleaner home and peace of mind.
Looking for more decluttering motivation?
- 15 Ways to Get Motivated to Declutter
- 106 Easy Things to Declutter in Your Home Today
- 30-Day Home Decluttering Challenge
- 30 Best Things to Declutter From Your Kitchen Right Now
- 16 Decluttering Mistakes to Avoid
7. Take something out when you leave a room
Clutter is not only terrible to look at it wastes time that you don’t have. When you are constantly moving things around to clean under them, it takes more time to complete a simple task.
It doesn’t take long to wipe down a counter but if you have to move dishes left out from last night or old mail/papers that are scattered on your counter then it will take double the amount of time to complete an otherwise easy task.
One way that I try to stay on top of the clutter is to make sure that every time I am leaving a room, I do a quick scan and take anything out that doesn’t belong such as plates, cups, magazines, or toys.
Remember the goal is always to stay on top of things so they don’t get out of control.
8. Make sure everything has a place
You can make your life easier by ensuring that everything has a home to help avoid clutter build-up.
We have a very small entryway coming into our kitchen and although we have a coat rack, I wanted a place to store our shoes so I repurposed an old tv stand-by gel staining it a darker color and taking out the middle shelf to add storage bins for our shoes.
You may like: How to Gel Stain Your Kitchen Cabinets on a Budget
It’s worked out remarkably well and since there is a bottom drawer, we have used it to store masks so that when we leave the house everything is easy to grab on the way out.
9. Use lists
Honestly, I use lists for everything. They not only help me with my day-to-day tasks but they help with meal planning, budgeting, DIY home projects, cleaning schedules, and travel planning.
When sitting down to make a daily to-do list, set your goals for the day, and list your priorities first. Make sure to put your to-do list somewhere easily accessible to keep you on task. This may mean keeping it on your phone with reminders or hanging it on the refrigerator.
Besides a to-do list, make sure to use a shopping list. We have one on the front of our fridge so that every time we use something up we just add it to the list.
A shopping list makes meal planning super easy. Plus, it prevents you from making those last-minute trips to the grocery store, saving you time.
You may like: How to Be A More Organized Mom
10. Plan Sunday for the whole week
You can save time in your morning routine and daily planning by sitting down on Sundays(or when it’s convenient for you) to plan out the entire week.
Write down any upcoming appointments and tasks that you want to accomplish. Then just assign each task to a specific day of the week. It will make writing out your daily to-do list a breeze.
11. Set up a command center
Setting up a command center for your home doesn’t have to be complicated as long as it’s functional and it will work for you and your family. It can be as simple as a binder with folders that contain information such as important papers, appointments, and household information. As well, as school papers and health forms.
A dry-erase calendar can also come in handy so that everyone can see important reminders and events. We keep ours on our refrigerator. Along with our menu planner and shopping list for the week.
Don’t forget about the mail organizer. Staying on top of the mail definitely can save time in the long run by avoiding hours of time going through piles of old mail.
12. Plan ahead by making sure clothes are out and ready for the next day
You can make things even easier by helping your children plan out their clothes for the week. Try an over-the-door shoe rack if your child is small and label each pouch with the days of the week. Otherwise, a hanging closet organizer would work.
If you are on a budget, get creative and use old shoeboxes or even hang the entire outfit on a hanger with a cute chalkboard tag on it (from the Dollar Tree) with a day of the week written on it.
13. Pack lunches the night before
There is nothing worse than a hectic morning before school or work. Everyone is stressed and trying to get out of the house on time when you suddenly realize that you forgot to pack lunches.
The last thing we want to do is add more stress to our already busy days so take a few minutes during your night routine to get everyone’s lunches packed for the next day.
Even if you work from home or your child is going to school remotely, get lunches packed and ready so it’s one less thing you have to think about the following day.
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14. Program your coffeemaker to be ready in the morning
If you can’t start your day without your morning coffee (like me) then save yourself some time in the morning by programming your coffeemaker to start brewing before you wake up.
To make your life even easier, set up a designated area in your cabinet or near your coffee pot that has everything you need such as sugar, creamer, and mugs to grab and go.
15. Make a snack bin
If you don’t want to hear the dreaded… “What can I have for a snack, Mom?” When there is a cabinet or pantry full of snacks your child can eat. But, they don’t want to take the time to look. Instead, grab a few storage bins from the Dollar Tree and make snack bins for your kids.
I usually keep one in the pantry filled with crackers, granola bars, and other easy-to-grab snacks. Then, also one in the refrigerator that has string cheese, yogurt, and fruit.
When they are finished with school, they will know exactly where to look and what they can have.
Quick money-saving tip– purchase large boxes of crackers or other snacks to separate into baggies instead of buying prepackaged snacks. (Get your kids to help to save time or set aside a few minutes a week to do your meal prep and add snacks into that as well)
Looking for easy snacks to make your kids?
16. Meal plan
When you plan your meals out for the entire week or month. It can save you so much time because you know exactly what to make for dinner. There is no last-minute scrambling trying to figure out what to have.
A couple of ways to make meal planning easier is to make a list of all your family’s favorite meals so you can refer back to it when you are having a hard time thinking of dinner ideas. As well as, using theme night dinners such as Taco Tuesdays or Pizza Fridays.
The best part of meal planning is that it not only saves you a ton of time but it saves you money and keeps your grocery budget under control.
17. Grocery pickup
Honestly, grocery pick-up has been a huge time-saver for me. There is no more wandering down the grocery aisles looking for items on your list. This can be a huge pain when your grocery store decides to change things around.
Another benefit is that when I need something I can go on their app and just add it to my cart so when I decide to schedule a pickup it saves me time from shopping since it’s already in my cart.
Grocery pick-up also makes it easier to avoid impulse purchases in the store and limit my spending. Since you can see your total as you are adding things to your cart it helps you stay within your budget.
Would you like more ways to save on groceries?
- 6 Easy Ways to Cut Your Grocery Bill in Half
- 30 Easy Ways to Save Money on Groceries
- 15 Supermarket Spending Traps to Avoid
- 4 Best Grocery Shopping Apps to Save Money
18. Stock your pantry with essentials
Keeping pantry staples on hand will eliminate that last-minute trip to the grocery store when you need something for a recipe.
Not sure what to buy? Check out Frugal Pantry Staples for Easy Meals.
19. Meal prep
Make freezer meals for quick weeknight dinners. You can do this by either taking a day and making many meals at once or you can double up on your meals.
By cooking double the amount of food for dinner, you can have leftovers for another night or you can freeze the rest for later making a great freezer meal.
Try and prep the vegetables when you come home from the grocery store. If you are unable to do it after grocery shopping, try doing it when you are preparing another meal.
Don’t forget about breakfasts. Make your morning easier by having a quick breakfast. Try making a batch of your favorite muffins and freeze them for a grab-and-go option on busy mornings.
My go-to breakfast is usually avocado on toast with salt, pepper, and some hot sauce, and scrambled egg on top. When I’m not in the mood for avocado toast, I will have my egg, ham, and cheese crunch wrap.
20. Try an Instant Pot, Slow Cooker, or Air Fryer for easy dinners
If you have one (or all three) of these helpful small kitchen appliances, make sure you are taking advantage of them to save time in the kitchen.
Slow cookers are one of the best things that could happen to make any busy mom’s life easier. Who doesn’t love the convenience of throwing something in the slow cooker in the morning and having a meal all ready and waiting come dinnertime?
Here are 27 Easy Dump and Go Crockpot Meals if you are looking for easy and delicious meals to make in your slow cooker.
But, as great as a slow cooker is, it’s not much help if you forgot to take out dinner and that’s where an instant pot comes in. I am in love with my Instant Pot. Some of the foods I enjoy cooking in my instant pot are macaroni and cheese, goulash, and cheesecake.
It also makes cooking chicken super easy which I use for tacos, barbecue chicken sandwiches, and buffalo chicken pizza. You can find more of my favorite instant pot recipes in 25 Easy Instant Pot Recipes for Beginners.
You may like:
- 28 Easy Shortcut Rotisserie Chicken Dinner Ideas- Skip takeout and use rotisserie or shredded chicken instead to make delicious and budget-friendly meals for your family.
Do you have an air fryer? I am obsessed with mine. It’s the perfect small kitchen appliance because it’s so easy to use and it cooks healthy meals in no time. Plus, you have fewer dishes by using it and it’s simple to wipe clean.
Best Air Fryer Recipes and Tips for Beginners:
- 25 Must-Have Air Fryer Recipes for Beginners- easy recipes and helpful tips for using your air fryer.
- 20 Easy and Healthy Air Fryer Recipes- you can find simple and healthy recipes that go beyond cooking prepackaged frozen foods.
- 20 Best Air Fryer Tips for Beginners– learn how easy it is to use your air fryer to make the most of it.
21. Try these bathroom hacks
- Put extra garbage bags at the bottom of your trash cans (use this hack with your kitchen garbage too.)
- Give each person a towel hook and put a tag (they have chalkboard tags at the Dollar Tree or these cute wood slices that we use) with their name above the hook to encourage family members to hang up their towels when they are done using them.
- Keep cleaning supplies in a cleaning caddy under your bathroom cabinet so they are easy to grab.
You may like: How to Clean Your Bathroom in 5 Minutes
22. Set a timer when you clean or work to keep you accountable
There are always going to be chores in your home that you dread doing and because of this, you may procrastinate to avoid completing them. For me, it’s definitely the dishes.
Recently, I’ve started setting a timer to see how quickly I can get them done. I also turn on some of my favorite music (this helps too!) It gives me something to focus on instead of the task at hand.
I’ve noticed that it’s been a huge time-saver for me, as I’m getting in there and getting them done so I can move on to other things.
Short on time and need your home cleaned fast?
- Try a speed cleaning or do a power hour cleaning to catch up.
23. Soak your dishes
Another way to make your life easier and save time so you are not standing at the sink scrubbing your pots and pans is to soak them first.
If you are washing your dishes in the morning, fill up your sink with soapy water before you start your morning cleaning routine. Put your dishes in to let them soak while you are cleaning. By the time you come back, they should easily wipe clean with little to no scrubbing needed.
Do you have a dishwasher? Make sure and give your pots and pans a quick rinse immediately after using them so they will clean easier.
24. Turn up the music
If you are looking to save time and knock out that to-do list, turn on some of your favorite tunes. Music can be a huge motivator to get you up and moving.
We keep our Amazon echo dot in the kitchen so when I start cleaning I simply ask Alexa to play some music and it encourages me to keep going.
25. Take advantage of clearance to stock up on gifts
Save time the next time a birthday party or event pops up unexpectedly by checking out the clearance racks and aisles. After Christmas is the perfect time to pick up these types of items.
A couple of years ago, we picked up all our Christmas wrapping paper at 75% off after Christmas and it was so nice not to have to worry about getting it this past Christmas. It was one less thing I had to think about during the hectic holiday season.
26. Shop online
Online shopping means you get to avoid long lines and making impulse purchases. You can shop at your convenience in your pajamas if you want.
Not to mention, you can usually save a lot of money with online coupons and if you have Amazon Prime, you can get free 2-day shipping.
Not an Amazon Prime Member? You can get a Free 30 Day Trial by signing up here.
27. Start a budget and automate your bills
Setting up a budget can save you time by making sure you always know where your money is going. You have everything planned out making your life easier. Don’t have a budget yet? Learn how to start one today with this Beginners Guide to Budgeting.
Put your finances on autopilot by simply automating your bills. It not only will save you a ton of time but it will ease the burden of having to remember when they need to be paid.
28. Schedule screen time
Many people recommend that you try and avoid screen time altogether. It’s true, it can be a time waster if you let it. However, it can be beneficial connecting with others so plan ahead and schedule a time to browse social media or check your emails.
I usually check it first thing in the morning while I’m having my coffee, and for a few minutes in the early evening. It may be helpful to set a timer on your phone to hold yourself accountable so you don’t go overboard.
29. Disable notifications on your phone
As noted above, cutting back on your screen time can save you a ton of time. But, what happens when you put down your phone and vow to only pick it up at a certain time only to be bombarded with notifications from all the apps you have downloaded?
Of course, when you get a notification you check your phone to make sure it’s not something important. So, take a few minutes and turn off the notifications to any games or apps to avoid unnecessary distractions throughout your day.
30. Delegate chores
Rather than running around trying to get everything done on your own, pass off chores to family members. Your time is valuable and if you are trying to be superwoman and do everything yourself you are going to get burnt out. Remember you can’t pour from an empty cup.
These time-saving hacks for busy moms have helped me so much through the years. Hopefully, these strategies are helpful to you so you can accomplish more throughout your day. The ultimate goal is to always make your tasks easier so you can be more efficient with your time.
Don’t forget to sign up for access to my Free Resource Library. You will find planner printables to keep you on task and wall quotes to motivate you. All free for you to print out and enjoy!
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